Reincarnation. Spirit communication. Travelling out of the body. Apparitions & Hauntings. Near-Death Experiences. Does the spirit survive death? Is there scientific evidence that we are more than just a physical body? These questions have lingered with humanity for centuries, and beginning in the late 1800’s, the scientific community began exploring evidence for the existence of spirit. Though we are still far from an answer, extensive evidence has been gathered in rigorous scientific experiments including attempts to weight the soul, verification of past life memories, and complex experiments in spirit communication. How do scientists examine these topics often thought to be purely in the realm of religious scholars? Explore these and other topics in this 4 week course from the Rhine Education Center. This is a continuing education course, but students will be introduced to scientific articles and references that will help them to make their own decisions about life after death. Prepare to open your mind to a changing view of science while continuing to challenge your innermost thoughts and most firmly held beliefs.